Product Details

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Product Name:
Carlson AgStar
Company Name:
Carlson Software Inc.
Based on:
IntelliCAD 7
Product Description:

Carlson AgStar is an Agricultural-based product that offers a complete package of land-leveling tools for agricultural and irrigation purposes. It carries a versatile suite of commands designed to simplify and speed up the professional surveyor's work, as well as reduce costs by minimizing the amount of dirt to move.

Agstar handles both the survey and the design sides of land-leveling, allowing you to survey large fields with GPS, and then determine the optimal field design requiring the least amount of dirt moved. The field design tool can be set to a user-specified field slope, or to search for the optimal slope. A host of other design parameters can be specified, including cut/fill ratio, amount of dirt to import or export, and constraints on the range of slopes to search. With Agstar, you can also subdivide the field and assign different designs to each subdivision, which is useful if you want crowns in the field.

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Language Support:
Application Type:
Vertical Application
Main Category:
Landscape & Irrigation Design
Sub Category:
Land Development  
Other Category: